'Huell's Big Mystery': Lavell Crawford's iconic character's fate after Better Call Saul revealed

    After years of speculation, fans finally discover what happened to Huell Babineaux, Saul Goodman's reliable henchman, post "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul."

    Better Call Saul (Source: Den of Geek)

    Better Call Saul (Source: Den of Geek)

    In the vast, morally ambiguous landscape of AMC's "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul," there's been one lingering question keeping fans up at night: Where the heck did Huell Babineaux end up? That sharp-eyed, quick-handed character, played with finesse by Lavell Crawford, remains one of the most beloved sidekicks in television history.

    From Saul's Right Hand to... Where?

    Huell Babineaux wasn't just a brilliant pickpocket in Albuquerque, he was the secret sauce behind many of **Saul Goodman's** most audacious moves. As reported by Looper, whether Saul (charismatically played by Bob Odenkirk) was in need of evidence tampering or putting the squeeze on a witness, Huell was the go-to guy. Even in the days when Saul was the less slippery James McGill, Huell was the mastermind behind many of their cunning plans. But, much like the unpredictable New Mexico desert, Huell's journey in "Breaking Bad" left fans parched for an ending.

    The last memory fans clung to from "Breaking Bad" was of Huell sitting solo in a DEA safe house, an uneasy pawn in the dangerous chess game between agents Hank Schrader and Steven Gomez and the notorious Walter White. With the tragic and violent end of the agents at the hands of Jack Welker's crew, it looked like curtains for Huell's storyline.

    Saul Inquires, Fans Get Closure

    Better Call Saul (Source: Den of Geek)

    For what felt like an eternity, fans jokingly (or not-so-jokingly) mused that perhaps Huell was still camped out in that safe house, waiting for someone, anyone, to remember he existed. But, leave it to "Better Call Saul" to throw fans a bone.

    In a cinematic, noir-inspired peek into the future, post the events of "Breaking Bad", the crafty Saul Goodman reaches out to his former secretary, Francesca Liddy. And the million-dollar question finally gets an answer. Francesca confirms that the ever-loyal Huell was let go by the DEA and has found his way back to the jazz-filled streets of New Orleans.

    While it may not be the action-packed ending some expected, it's a fitting tribute to a character that's stolen both wallets and hearts over the years. And, for many fans, knowing that Huell's probably out there, swaying to some soulful tunes, is the resolution they've been craving.

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